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new latest hindi song,le jaye mujhe kahaa, by mazzaplus

khud pe bharosa kar , latest rap2018 hindi motivational songs by mazzaplus


Top 10 companies selected in the list of fortune"s 100 best companies to work for...., Inc. , is an American  cloud computing  company headquartered in  San Francisco ,  California . Though its revenue comes from a  customer relationship management  (CRM) product, Salesforce also sells commercial applications of social networking through acquisition and internal development. Salesforce was ranked first in  Fortune 's "100 Best Companies to Work For" in 2018 Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.  is a  privately held  American  supermarket  chain; it is headquartered in  Gates ,  New York . As of June 2018, Wegmans has 97 stores in the  mid-Atlantic  and  New England  regions, in  New York ,  Pennsylvania ,  New Jersey ,  Maryland ,  Massachusetts , and  Virginia . Founded in 1916 in Canandaigua, Wegmans has appeared on  Fortune ' s a...

Prophet & Founder of Islam, Muhammad Sahab, died on 8th June 632.

Founder Of Islam & Prophet. Muhammad Shahab is the Prophet and founder of the religion of Islam, who was born in Mecca in 570 AD.  At the age of 40, he started making revelations from Allah which became the foundation of Quran and the foundation of Islam. By 630 AD, he had unified most of the Arabs under one religion. All Muslims in world who profess, “ There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. ” His father died before he was born and was raised first by his grandfather and then by his uncle. He was from a poor but respected family of the Quraysh tribe. His family was active in Mecca politics and trade. At that time there were many tribes in the Arabian Peninsula. Most of the tribes were polytheists, who worshiped their own panties. The city of Mecca was an important commercial and religious center of the time, home to many temples and places of worship where idols of these deities were prayed for. The most famous site was Kaaba (meaning cube in...

7 JUNE 1893 GANDHI’S FIRST ACT OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE(7 जून 18 9 3  गांधी की नागरिकता का पहला अधिनियम गांधीजी)

7 JUNE 1893 GANDHI’S FIRST ACT OF CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE (7 जून 18 9 3 गांधी की नागरिकता का पहला अधिनियम गांधीजी)                   मोहन दास करमचन्द्र गाँधी इस दिन 18 9 3 में, बीसवीं शताब्दी के सबसे प्रसिद्ध अहिंसक क्रांतिकारी, मोहनदास गांधी ने नागरिक अवज्ञा का पहला कार्य किया जब तत्कालीन 24 वर्षीय भारतीय वकील को दक्षिण अफ्रीका के पिटर्मैरिट्जबर्ग रेलवे स्टेशन पर जबरन ट्रेन से बाहर निकाला गया था। गोरे-केवल प्रथम श्रेणी के डिब्बे के लिए वैध टिकट रखने के दौरान तीसरे श्रेणी के गाड़ी में जाने से इनकार करते हुए, महान भविष्य के नेता को रात के मध्य में ट्रेन के बाहर सर्दियों के बीच में धक्का दिया गया था, उसके सामान जल्दी से फेंक दिया गया था उसके पीछे। घटना उनके जीवन के पाठ्यक्रम को बदल देगी - और लाखों लोगों की। बाद में गांधी ने याद किया | बापू(महात्मा गाँधी) " मैं अपने जीवन के लिए डर गया था। मैं अंधेरे प्रतीक्षा कमरे में प्रवेश किया। कमरे में एक सफेद आदमी था। मैं उससे डरता था। मेरा कर्तव्य क्या था? मैंने अपने आप से पूछा। क्या मुझे...

Today is the birthday of a great social reformer in India.

                                   Kandukuri Veeresalingam Veeresalingam was born in 16 april 1848 an orthodox Brahmin family in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh to Subbarayudu, and Poornamma. When he was six months old, he suffered from smallpox, a dangerous disease during that time. But somehow he survived. He lost his father when he was four years old. He was adopted by his paternal uncle Venkataratnam. After studying in an Indian street school, he was later sent to English medium school where his talents were recognized. His good nature and studiousness earned him the best student award in his school. He completed his matriculation in 1869 and got his first job as a teacher in Korangi village. Veeresalingam was married to Bapamma Rajyalakshmi in 1861. At the time of marriage, he was 13 years old, and his wife was 8. ...