Skip to main content, Inc. , is an American cloud computing company headquartered in San FranciscoCalifornia. Though its revenue comes from a customer relationship management (CRM) product, Salesforce also sells commercial applications of social networking through acquisition and internal development.
Salesforce was ranked first in Fortune's "100 Best Companies to Work For" in 2018

Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. is a privately held American supermarket chain; it is headquartered in GatesNew York. As of June 2018, Wegmans has 97 stores in the mid-Atlantic and New England regions, in New YorkPennsylvaniaNew JerseyMarylandMassachusetts, and Virginia. Founded in 1916 in Canandaigua, Wegmans has appeared on Fortune's annual "100 Best Companies to Work For" list since the list first appeared in 1998. In 2018, the company was ranked No. 2, behind

Ultimate Software is an American technology company that develops and sells UltiPro, a cloud-based human capital management(HCM) solution for businesses. Headquartered in Weston, Florida, the company was founded in 1990 by current president and CEO, Scott Scherr, and released its first version of software in 1993. As of the fourth quarter in 2017, Ultimate Software reported total revenues of over $940.7 million. As of 2017, the company employs more than 4,200 people and services 4,100 customers in 160 countries.Ultimate has offices around the USA, Canada, UK, and Singapore

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is an American multinational management consulting firm with 90 offices in 50 countries.The firm advises clients in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors around the world, including more than two-thirds of the Fortune 500and is one of the 'Big Three' strategy consulting firms (MBB).Considered one of the most prestigious management consulting firms in a branche-internal survey,BCG was ranked fourth in Fortune's "100 Best Companies to Work For" in 2018

Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., since 1995 simplified as Edward Jones[1] is a financial services firm headquartered in Des Peres, MissouriUnited States and serves investment clients in the U.S. and Canada, through its branch network of more than 14,000 locations and currently has relationships with nearly 7 million clients and $1 trillion in assets under management worldwide. The firm focuses solely on individual investors and small-business owners. Edward Jones is a subsidiary of The Jones Financial Companies, L.L.L.P., a limited liability limited partnership owned only by its employees and retired employees and is not publicly traded

The Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group Inc. is a San FranciscoCalifornia, based hotel and restaurant brand owned by the Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG). Founded in 1981 by William (Bill) Kimpton and led by Chief Executive Officer Mike DeFrino, the group was the largest chain of boutique hotels in the United States in 2011. It currently operates 65 hotels, all but the Kimpton Seafire Resort + Spa in Grand CaymanCayman Islands and the Kimpton De Witt in Amsterdam in the United States. New hotels have been announced for TorontoLos AngelesParisGrenadaBaliShanghaiSanya, and Taipei

Workday, Inc. is an on‑demand (cloud-based) financial management and human capital management software vendor. It was founded by David Duffield, founder and former CEO of ERP company PeopleSoft, and former PeopleSoft chief strategist Aneel Bhusri following Oracle's hostile takeover of PeopleSoft in 2005. In October 2012, it launched a successful initial public offering that valued the company at $9.5 billion

Genentech, Inc. , is a biotechnology corporation which became a subsidiary of Roche in 2009. Genentech Research and Early Development operate as an independent center within Roche.
As of September 2017, Genentech employed 15,064 people

Hyatt Hotels Corporation is an American multinational hospitality company that manages and franchises of luxury hotelsresorts, and vacation properties. The Hyatt Corporation came into being upon purchase of the Hyatt House, at Los Angeles International Airport, on September 27, 1957. As of March 25, 2018, Hyatt has 777 properties in 54 countries.[3] Fortune magazine ranked Hyatt #186 on its list of "America's Best Employers" for 2018

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (or simply Kimley-Horn) is an American planning, engineering, and design consulting firm. The company was ranked #10 on Fortune's "100 Best Companies to Work For" list in 2017, its 11th year on the list. Engineering News-Record ranked Kimley-Horn as #21 in its "Top 500 Design Firms" list in 2017


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